my favourite reads of July 2023

The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden

A record of 1906 by an incredibly talented artist and naturalist. A masterpiece.

Joe Country by Mick Herron

Slough House series, book 6.

Exciting, suspenseful, funny. This is a great series.

Keep Moving by Maggie Smith

A small book of inspirational thoughts on how to keep moving forward after loss or difficulty. A bit repetitive, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing when it comes to learning new ways of coping.

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

audiobook read by Nadia May

A great story read by a great narrator. Classic for a reason.

Slough House by Mick Herron

Slough House series, book 7

Possibly my least favourite so far of the series, but still enjoyable.

Some Tame Gazelle by Barbara Pym

Two middle-aged spinster sisters live in a small English village and not-so-secretly pine for someone to love, without wanting the hassle of an actual husband. Funny, quiet, well-observed. I loved it.

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