–Create an Abundant Life by Cheryl Richardson (Audiobook. Do all the things you’ve heard a thousand times before.)
–Dinner for Everyone by Mark Bittman (Love the vegetarian/vegan options.)
–The Happy Pear: Recipes for Happiness by David and Stephen Flynn (My kind of recipes, but for the love of God, cookbook publishers, stop putting pictures of the author on every bloody page.)
–Heart Talk by Cleo Wade (Poems and good advice.)
–How to Do Everything and Be Happy by Peter Jones (I really wanted to like it because the author seems fun, but there just wasn’t much to it.)
–Me by Elton John (Audiobook. I’ve never been a huge fan of his music, but this autobiography was very entertaining.)
–The Long Call by Ann Cleeves (A good mystery, but I felt the characters were a bit like cardboard cut-outs.)
–Simple Green Suppers by Susie Middleton (Lots to try here.)
–Studio Rally by Robin Metcalfe (A snapshot of the NS arts scene in 1999.)
–A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (Audiobook. A classic for good reason.)
–The Ultimate Cookbook by Canadian Living (Some sweets to try, but it’s mostly meat meat meat.)
–The Valedictorian of Being Dead by Heather B Armstrong (An interesting account of the author’s participation in a revolutionary new treatment for depression.)
–The Wake by Linden MacIntyre (Excellent examination of what happened to a few Newfoundland communities after the tsunami of 1929. Heart-breaking.)