–The 22 Day Revolution by Marco Borges (A decent introduction to plant-based eating, although his tone can be off-putting.)
–The Cat-nappers – aka Aunts Aren’t Gentlemen by P. G. Wodehouse (I laughed. A lot.)
–City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert (Audiobook. Too long, but the narration by Blair Brown was excellent.)
–Food 52: Genius Desserts by Kristen Miglore (Many excellent-sounding desserts.)
–Getting Things Done by David Allen (And I thought I was serious about lists. Some interesting organisational ideas to consider, but his vocab veered into management-speak at times.)
–Girl Squads by Sam Maggs (Some of the language was trying a bit too hard to be hip for younger readers, but really great info on groups of women who have been outstanding in their respective fields throughout the centuries.)
–Happier Now by Nataly Kogan (Audiobook. It was okay.)
–The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (Audiobook, read by Stephen Fry. I didn’t expect to enjoy it, but I did. Mostly.)
–The Homemade Vegan Pantry by Miyoko Schinner (Think I’ll ask for this one for Christmas.)
–The Inner City Mother Goose by Eve Merriam (Delightful and depressing at the same time.)
–More Than Enough by Elaine Welteroth (Audiobook. I’m not the target demographic for this, but her personal story of life and work success should be inspirational for younger women.)
–Most of What Follows Is True by Michael Crummey (A meditation on the role of truth in fiction. Enjoyably thought-provoking.)
–My Man Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse (A bit of a hodge-podge of stories, but it’s Wodehouse, so who cares.)
–Nora Murphy’s Country House Style by Nora Murphy (Lovely photographs, but physically too big. Unwieldy to handle.)
–Remodelista: The Organized Home by Julie Carlson (Mostly a book of things to buy.)
–Scandinavian Style at Home by Thames & Hudson (Too much boring text and not enough pretty pictures.)
–Seamless Knit Sweaters in 2 Weeks by Marie Greene (I’ve long been a proponent of seamless knitting so this was nice.)
–Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg (Audiobook. Highly recommended.)