–Albatross by Terry Fallis (Audiobook. I was intrigued by the concept-the main character has the precise physical characteristics to make him a golf prodigy-but found it a little sweet for my taste. Everybody was just so nice.)
–The Art of Simple Living by Shunmyo Masuno (I will never forgive my ancestors for not being Zen masters.)
–The Beautiful No by Sheri Salata (Extremely rich and privileged white lady retires from her job and now has lots of time to go to spas and retreats.)
–Canadianity by Jeremy Taggart and Jonathan Torrens (Their slangy way of writing really got on my nerves, but it had its moments.)
–Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney (I think I am too old to appreciate this author. Her never-ending tales of millennial angst strike this aged crone as so bloody boring.)
–Don’t Wait Up: Confessions of a Stay-at-Work Mom by Liz Astrof (Fairly entertaining, but my God, this poor woman’s childhood was a nightmare.)
–Healthy Habits Suck by Dayna Lee-Bagley (Doing the right thing can be hard; find deeper motivation than ‘I want to be healthy’. It was okay, but not exactly earth-shattering.)
–How to Learn by Benedict Carey (Audiobook. Interesting research on what actually helps and what hinders effective learning.)
–The Hygge Life by Gunnar Karl Gislason and Jody Eddy (I will never forgive my ancestors for not being Scandinavian.)
–The Innocents by Michael Crummey (Audiobook. Fascinating. And horrifying.)
–Jeeves and the King of Clubs by Ben Schott (I was really nervous about this one since I love Wodehouse so much, but it was pretty good. I liked it.)
–Murdered Midas: A Millionaire, His Gold Mine, and a Strange Death on an Island Paradise by Charlotte Gray (Audiobook. The usual first-class work from Charlotte Gray.)
–Night of Miracles by Elizabeth Berg (I honestly can’t remember why I checked out this book. It was not my kind of thing at all and, like an idiot, I kept reading to see if it would become my kind of thing. It did not.)
–Real Food Really Fast by Hannah Kaminsky (Not much in it that appealed to me.)
–The Suspicions of Mr Whicher by Kate Summerscale (Audiobook. The really, really interesting story of a real-life murder in the 1860s.)
–To Marry an English Lord by Carol McD. Wallace and Gail MacColl (Audiobook. Somehow not a romance novel, despite its title. Totally gripping telling of the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century trend for poor British aristocrats to marry rich young American heiresses.)
–A Velocity of Being: Letters to a Young Reader edited by Maria Popova and Claudia Bedrick (Surprisingly boring letters from a wide variety of accomplished people on why reading is a worthwhile pursuit.)
–Wallis in Love by Andrew Morton (Audiobook. Loved it. I don’t know why I can’t get enough of Wallis Simpson and her idiotic third husband.)
–The Well-Lived Life by Lyndsay Green (Time to start thinking about my legacy beyond ‘she really liked chocolate’.)
–We’re All In This Together by Amy Jones (When mum voluntarily goes over the falls in a barrel, the rest of the family is forced to have a real think about things. I liked it a lot.)