For October 16 to 22, 2023
It’s been a hectic couple of weeks around here, what with medical appointments, dental appointments, a massive closet switcheroo (why do I always choose the worst times for these projects?), ripping apart the rickety front steps, and Anna moving out of her student apartment in the city.
*Two new, ridiculously photogenic grandcats
Their names are Nadja and Simon the Devious.

*Miss Madeleine’s tolerance of the new arrivals

*Cosmos, still giving it their all in mid-October

*One very confused lupin

*Storm clouds making everything look dramatic

*A most intriguing caterpillar
Research indicates this is the caterpillar of the hyles gallii, aka bedstraw hawk-moth, aka galium sphinx moth. The red horn on his rear end isn’t dangerous, apparently, but it certainly discourages one from touching it. All I know is he was big (about the size of my ring finger) and moved fast.