Heading into February, I expected a fairly quiet and mellow month. I knew there’d be drop-off and pick-up trips to the airport and that I’d be dog-sitting Evie for a week in addition to all the usual duties (grocery shopping, doctor appointment, parental care), but nothing too draining. What I hadn’t anticipated was an emergency root canal after two weeks of steadily worsening pain while (thanks to an error at their vet’s office) cat-sitting two of the world’s most energetic, curious and affectionate kittens.

This is grandcat Simon and this was my view any time I tried to write. Simon loves chewing pens, plants, upholstery, cardboard boxes, kitchen utensils, drapes and human fingers.

Simon is unfamiliar with the concept of personal space. He’s lucky he’s so cute.

This is grandcat Nadja. Like Simon, she likes to be paws-on and “help” write, walk, care for houseplants, knit, cook, do dishes, read a book, and, as in this photo, empty the kitchen garbage can.

They are beautiful cats and smart enough to break out poses like this just when you’re ready to strangle them.
Sadly, cousins Simon, Nadja and Evie do not make good playmates.

Evie just needs everyone to understand that this is her house and what she says goes.

I have never met a dog who enjoys the snow so much. She’d stay out there romping for hours if only she could find someone to stay with her.

But it was really cold during her week here and the stupid wimpy humans always pack in it too soon.

Uncle Glen is also frustrating for her. He looks like a dog and smells like a dog, but behaves like a Canadian pensioner on the beach in Florida, refusing to do anything but lounge in the sun all day. “Toys do not tempt him, Evie,” I said. “You’re wasting your time trying to get him to play.”

If you can’t beat him, join him.
And finally…

My lovely ram friend wanted to do a bit of modelling, but it was really cold that day and my mouth was hurting so I just took a few photos from the car and promised I’d do better next time. Sorry, buddy!