Has it already been three weeks since Halloween? What’s that? It’s been more than three weeks?
Then I guess it’s too late to show you this:
Here’s Anna as The Most Familiar Sight in Nova Scotia. She even made the sign herself — with a little help from her Dad. Pretty good, huh?
Is it too late to show you this?
This is Foster as Captain Rex (from Star Wars, duh) in a costume made entirely by Foster and me his father. It’s amazing what I they can do with some cardboard and an x-acto knife.
So it’s definitely too late to show you this:
Charlotte’s starring turn in Anne of Green Gables: The Musical in ten years is a given, wouldn’t you say? The Boy Wonder No! I made the braids—me me me, not Whatshisname who tries to hog all the glory—and even went the extra mile to turn them into a hat so that (1) it would provide some warmth under the straw hat during trick-or-treating and (2) could be worn on its own for the rest of the winter. Genius, I know. I only mention it so you can see how humble I am about it. My genius, I mean.
I went as A Woman Who Generally Dislikes Halloween, but Walks Around the Neighbourhood With Her Children for Two Hours Anyway and Is Not-So-Secretly Hoping to Be Compensated in Mini Chocolate Bars. No costume required.
very, very cute.
Did they get lots of candy? how much did you manage to sneak? did you dress up your dogs? We dressed up Rex as a vampire, yes, I probably need grandchildren.
Finally! Have been checking your blog daily to see the kids in their costumes. But never mind, it was worth the wait and I know how busy you are. They look great. Congratulations to Anna for the good job on the sign and to Foster and his Dad for the fantastic costume and last but certainly not least to you for the great red braids, attached to a hat no less.
Because our area has so few trick-or-treaters (we had 6 total), the kids always get TONS of candy. Our neighbours are always so happy to see us, they dump multiple giant handfuls in the kids’ bags. And I’m very fortunate in that I don’t have to steal from the kids because they are extremely generous about sharing. They keep me well supplied. The dogs didn’t go out because it was a little too cold and they get very nervous walking after dark. And yes, you do need grandchildren. Tell those girls to get on that ASAP. How was Katie’s wedding?
I’ve had the pictures ready to post for a couple weeks, but just couldn’t find the time to get them online. Luckily, we had a big snowstorm yesterday (40 cm) and the library was closed early for the day so I had a couple bonus hours. I just don’t know where the days go.
the wedding was beautiful, everything went well, had a lovely sunny day. Katie and Dave had a great time, she didn’t stress on the day.
Vanessa and her boyfriend are moving into their own apartment next weekend so I won’t have Rexy here to mother. Doug says he doesn’t want another dog, so I have to work on him, he’ll be sorry! He’ll be begging for a pet.