my favourite things of the week

For November 6 to 12, 2023

The weather last week was dull and grey, which was great for my overall mood and conducive to brisk after-lunch walks, but not so great for photos. I took only one the whole time.

*A blue jay wanting me to share my morning oatmeal

Luckily, I found a few more photos from last week’s trip to PEI that I don’t want to forget.


I’ve seen a bazillion dead porcupines, of course, but never a live one. This guy was ambling down the side of the road and was not interested in modelling.

p.s. Did you know a baby porcupine is called a porcupette? I mean, come on.

*Evie plotting how to join the oyster fisherman on his boat


The sky was beautiful, but we were late for supper and there was no time to stop so Foster took this one from our moving car as we raced back to Anna’s.

*The world’s sassiest dog

This is Miss Evie listening patiently to our explanation about why eating discarded tissues found in the woods is not a good idea. Unsurprisingly, she rejected our advice.

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