Have you been wondering what a teenager looks like these days? Wonder no longer:
My big first baby turned the big one-three on June 24. Next year, I might have to bake a sheet cake to fit all the candles.
At least she gets candles. Fire regulations prohibit candles on my cake now. Safety first, etc.
Here she is, opening one of her few gifts that wasn’t jewellery:
She has a thing about jewellery in the same way I have a thing about books. And wool. And bags. And office supplies. And vegetable seeds.
Here she is with her brudda and sista:
Three birthdays within a month. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
“You need to have another baby,” Anna said a few days after her birthday.
I know it’s out of character, but I might have said something the tiniest bit impolite, like, “Good God, why?”
“Because three birthdays aren’t enough. We need someone with another birthday so we can have another cake.”
I maybe, possibly, just might have snorted and rolled my eyes. “I think I’d rather skip the baby part and just bake another cake.”
The kids erupted in cheers and exchanged high fives. Snookered me again. This is exactly how I got scammed into owning two dogs, a cat and a fish. These kids are good.
All over for another year! Except for the cakes.
Now that they’re older, I can tell them to bake their own treats. That’s what Anna’s doing in the kitchen at this very moment. She enjoys making brownies, which is a real struggle for me to agree to eat, but I manage.